Pernah tidak kita terfikir macam mana susahnya hendak salin data yang ada di dalam perisian Microsoft Excel dari lajur ke baris dan sebaliknya. Sebenarnya fungsi tersebut memang ada di dalam perisian tersebut iaitu fungsi transpose. Untuk menggunakannya senang sahaja, ikuti langkah-langkah satu persatu yang ingin saya tunjukkan di bawah ini

Katakan anda ada senarai pelajar dan markah bagi setiap subjek. Oleh kerana anda perlu meletakkan senarai subjek di secara menegak, jika anda taip secara manual, mungkin kesilapan akan berlaku jika mempunyai data yang banyak. Kalau data macam bawah ini, tidak perlu pening-pening kepala baca tips saya, salin dan tampal macam biasa. :)
 Rajah 1 

Ok, yang ni rajah asal di mana senarai pelajar adalah secara menegak manakala senarai subjek adalah secara mendatar (baris). Membujur lalu melintang patah dalam contoh ini memang tiada.

Rajah 2
Sekarang anda ingin pindahkan dimana senarai subjek ingin diletakkan secara menegak, manakala senarai pelajar secara mendatar bukan? Ok, ikuti langkah seterusnya di bawah

Rajah 3
Apa yang anda perlua buat ialah, tandakan (highlight) kesemua data tersebut. Tekan klik sebelah kanan pada tetikus anda hingga terkeluar kotak yang panjang seperti di atas.

Setelah itu, klik pada copy.

Setelah lakukan langkah pada rajah 3, pergi ke mana-mana ruang kosong yang anda ingin letakkan, klik sekali lagi tetikus sebelah kanan:

1. Tunjukkan kursor tetikus anda pada perkataan Paste Special
2. Klik pada logo Transpose seperti di bawah.
Rajah 4

Rajah 5
Naaahhh, ini hasilnya..


Intimidation or stern in a learning process may not help Aqilah to become a professional photographer

Learning is a continuous process - some people believes that in whatever method of learning, the objective is that you are getting the knowledge and experience of the learning process. In an absurd situation, you may get yourself engaged with an intimidated learning. In Cambridge Online dictionary states that, intimidated means "to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do." One has to decide whether we want our students or listener to follow with what we have said or be more flexible in a learning environment so that more ideas are produced. I remembered the first day of my teaching a.k.a day of becoming academician. I was nervous, hesitated and procrastinate before taking my deep breath and start the lecture. "This is it, this is it", I remembered I whispered to myself that it's the starting of everything because the fact that I have been working forcefully behind the laptop for more than 13 years without really thinking that one day, I would be jumping into a challenging career which is to become a lecturer. 

As a beginner, I and maybe many of us needs to decide whether we should be more receptive to feedback from our audiences or be more engaged and intimidating in their decision to voice out and sharing. I remembered during that first class of mine, while going through the slide presentation and explaining about BCG matrix one of the students raised his hand and was asking.
"In your slide, you mentioned that the purpose of the matrix is to identify the status or situation of a company but how come the explanation that I read in the website is slightly different?". 

Ok, that was quite an eye opening for me because I never taught that a student would get his hands free during the lecture to check on his iPad and perhaps to a further extent to verify what I've taught in the class. Later and sooner I realized that in my future classes, I will keep emphasizing that students must bring their expensive hand phone, laptop and any gadget that they have backed home to be fully utilized in the class. While lecturing, once a while I will get students to check and ask them the meaning of certain jargon and terms - at the same time verifying whether what I delivered in the class fulfilling their perspectives and related to the learning objectives. This will let them try to understand the concept better and how to apply back in a real situation. Indeed, classroom learning is full of technical, facts and figure therefore you need to let them engage with the outside world quickly - which is the fastest way is by letting them holding to the gadget that they have in hand.   

I kept telling to my students that, "during the old days, during my time, when Internet is not around, your focus of knowledge is your lecturer, lecturer notes and the library". You feel indiscriminate because there are not much information and rather limited access, but during the Internet age, information are all over the places. But, you still feel indiscriminate because there are just too many information available and you have difficulty to define which is related to you and in your context of study. 

Is intimidation in learning still exist?


Students in my class are forced to present in a big event as part of their work assessment - not only to develop the maturity of the content but instill their confidence.

The answer could be yes and no. It pretty much depends on the objective set forth by the planner (lecturer). Perhaps the concept of forcing and agreeing with the fact that you are suggesting have long gone from the classroom environment but; apart from being non-flexible in providing content, we are spposed to be more flexible in accepting the feedback in the form of contents and method. Imagine that we have 26 students in the class that could give us wonders in the information searching - and our task is basically to consolidate and provide a guide so that the whole entities in the class are talking and looking at the same context.

Nizam Mohammad